“Heroic, Tragic Story of Twin Subs Squalus & Sculpin”
Bob Begin – 01/09/23 |
"The World's Deadliest Weapon - The Submarine"
Max Mulholland - 02/13/23 |
"The Roots of the Ukrainian War"
BG Ret Leonid Kondratiuk - 03/13/23 |
"Lafayette in America" 1777-81 and 1824-25"
Alan Hoffman - 04/10/23 |
"The Great Deception: Operation Desert Storm"
Bob Lewis - 05/15/23 |
"Korea and Korea-Era Veterans Tribute"
06/12/23 |
" "The Battle of the Gauntlet"
Dan Breen - 06/12/23 "The Surrender of the PUEBLO"
Gresh Lattimore - 10/10/23 Milestones, Mishaps, Management: Antarctic Aviation
Fred Santino - 12/11/23 |
"Roots of Sept 11 & the Changing Face of Terrorism"
Edith Flynn - 09/11/23 "Special Forces: Enhancing Conventional Forces"
Gregory Kelly - 11/13/23 |