Until the pandemic, the LVA hosted a speaker on a military-related topic on the second Monday of each month (except July and August). Programs were held at Cary Memorial Library and were free and open to the public. We look forward to returning to our original in-person format. We hope you will enjoy watching videos of our past speakers. Not sure how to view the episode on a full screen? Simply double click on the arrow of the video you want to watch. To minimize the screen when you've finished, press the black and white plus sign in the lower right hand corner.
Please note that videos are not available for all past programs. There are a few programs for which no videos exist; others have been delayed due to video production issues.
2015 Speaker Series
"A Medics Life in a War Zone" Gina Rada - 2/9/15
"New Orleans 1815 - A War Ends and a Legend Begins" Professor Dan Breen - 3/9/15
"Boston Started The Revolution, Lexington Started The War" Bob Allison - 4/13/15
"Childhood Memories: China During WWII" Sophia Ho - September 2015
"Ten Years of War with the Army National Guard" Dec 2015
'John F. Kennedy PT109" Dorothy Kennedy - 6/8/15 ** Title incorrect in video - title will be updated